Buyers and Sellers

Sincere Escrow delivers professional escrow services for a wide
variety of purchase, sale, financing, commercial and other transactions.
As a neutral third party, Sincere Escrow carries out the instructions
in a purchase agreement between the buyer and seller or the borrower
in a refinance situation with maximum responsiveness and attention
to detail. We also handle all of the disbursement associated with
a closing.
Our customers have come to rely upon the friendly service offered
by Sincere, made up of knowledgeable escrow officers who work hard
to ensure that all parties involved in the transaction comply with
the terms and conditions of the contract in an efficient and timely
manner. Experienced with all types of real property, our Escrow
team strives to deliver consistent communication to all parties
while adhering to even the strictest of lender instructions. We
provide the following escrow services:
- Work directly with all parties in a transaction
- Receive your order for escrow and title services
- Order the preliminary report and examination on the subject
- Obtain the title insurance required
- Review the survey and other documents
- Coordinate insurance coverage
- Order all inspections
- Carefully review all pre-closing matters
- Prepare escrow instructions and required documents
- Order demands on existing deeds of trust and liens or judgments,
if any
- Gather all closing cost information
- Prepare all closing documents
- Conduct the closing
- Collect and disperse all money
- Complete all post-closing details
We provide services to Buyers and Sellers for the following types
of escrows:
Confused? Find out what
an escrow is all about